E3 2016

Bethesda announces Fallout 4 VR and Doom for HTC Vive

E3 is in full swing with its first day proceedings with news already coming in from the gaming world on the potential uses of Virtual Reality (VR) and Fallout 4 VR may be the first.

During the conference at E3 today Bethesda has officially announced its game of the year contender Fall Out 4 VR is coming to the HTC vive somewhere around 2017, showcasing it during their E3 conference.

This means a great deal for the gaming and virtual reality community as well where developers are now endorsing various VR companies, Bethesda aiming its games towards the HTC Vive.

Bethesda also showcased Doom and its VR capabilities, stating that most likely it will be second VR ready game by the Developer also on the HTC Vive.

Fallout 4 VR and Doom for HTC vive will be a treat for gamers as Bethesda has said that the graphics capabilities of the Vive and will utilize the games already existing amazing graphics using the ID tech engine 6.

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The idea of truly immersing gamers in the virtual reality worlds of your favorite games is officially on the rise, where fallout 4 is set to come on the HTC Vive, there is no announce date for Doom

This could possibly mean that other developers will soon follow using their VR gear of choice and we can expect to see our favorite games hitting the VR market in 2017.